The Game

We’re playing a game, We’re one in the same. That’s what everyone does, We’ve forgotten how to love. Because we thrive on the chase, Keeping up that pace. Can you hold my attention? Or am I beyond your comprehension? Can you keep me on my toes? You know how it goes. Challenge me, disagree, But stay classy, that’s key. Don’t … More The Game

The Cavemen

What is it with guys and fighting? Dancing the night away in a club it’s not unusual to peep a pair of guys over by the bar regressing into primates before your very eyes, pushing and shoving one another over the most trivial and insignificant things. Accidentally spilling a drink, holding somebody’s gaze for longer than a … More The Cavemen

India’s Rape Culture

Today it’s been exactly two years since the brutal gang rape of 23 year old physiotheraphy student Jyoti Singh on a bus in Delhi, a case which provoked outrage all over the world. Flicking through the newspaper about a week ago I stumbled upon another story which stated that a 26 year old Indian woman had reportedly been … More India’s Rape Culture

Be A Gent

On Saturday night I went out to a club and was hit on by a couple of guys. One watched me for the duration of two whole songs (not even being slightly subtle, literally stood still in the middle of the dance floor) and then crept over when I headed to the bar, grabbed me by the waist and … More Be A Gent

Bad Boy, Bad Timing

He’s attractive but cocky, a player who’s hard to ignore She’s beautiful but cynical, having dealt with his type before. His type toy with emotions, bad boys love that game And they reinforce her belief that all guys are the same. But he’s different around her, everyone sees it, so she wonders if he’s so bad … More Bad Boy, Bad Timing

I’ll Be Your Clown

Why is it always me? How do I always  manage to get myself into the most bizarre situations? Ok, enough with the rhetorical questions, let me explain myself by using today as an example. So a few hours ago I was happily sitting on the train, on my way to meet a friend after work. I was minding … More I’ll Be Your Clown

A Grey Area

Ok so this may be interpreted as a bit of a controversial post and where I’m going with it I have no clue as of right now. Usually before writing a blog post I have a logical train of thoughts in my mind. It starts with an idea, which leads on to a point/argument and … More A Grey Area

Over-Active Imaginations

How is it that politeness and good-natured friendliness can be misconstrued so easily these days? For example, it’s somehow become the norm for people to assume that you’re secretly harbouring romantic feelings for them if you innocently hit ‘like’ on one of their social media photos, ask what they’re up to, or what their plans are for … More Over-Active Imaginations

The Checklist

Over the weekend a couple of my friends dictated to me their unique tailor-made, ironclad checklists which state plainly and simply what they’re looking for in a guy: 1) Must have a professional city job and above average salary 2) Must be of an athletic build and be above 6ft tall 3) Must be into travelling 4) Must NOT live with parents … More The Checklist

It’ll Happen…

‘How can you be so laid back?!’ Various friends of mine have asked me this question recently and it’s always whenever a certain (recently recurring) topic happens to crop up in conversation. And that’s the issue of where and how we’ll possibly meet decent guys now that we’ve all left the sociable environment of university and work … More It’ll Happen…