Blog’s 2nd Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Just A Small Town Girl blog! 😀

I decided to set up this blog about a month after I graduated from university, mainly because I was suffering mild withdrawal symptoms from the lack of essays and assignments in my life (yes I’m very sad, I know) so the plan was for WordPress to fill that void for me. But truth be told, I expected to lose interest in the whole thing pretty quickly.

The more I thought about it, the less appealing it seemed. The idea of constantly having to think up new topics to write about and then to actually take the time to sit and type them out sounded like a lot of effort to say the least, but for the first time in my life I’m happy to say that I was wrong! Once I started I couldn’t stop; the posts just kept pouring out! And now blogging has become such an integral part of my life, I guess you could say that it’s my sanctuary and my release.

I still actually remember the day that I accumulated my first 100 followers just 5 posts in: I was over the moon! I told all of my friends, circulating a phone screenshot of the brag-worthy figure and I’m pretty sure that I bought myself a celebratory red velvet cupcake too :). Back then I had no idea that I’d publish more than 130 posts and reach over 4,000 followers just 24 months later, it’s insane!

It’s also a strange feeling to read back some of my very first posts. I cringe at the poor punctuation placement, grammatical errors and cheesy content, but it’s interesting to be able to see just how my writing style and thought process have evolved over time. For instance, this time two years ago I published a poem about…wait for it… A CUP OF TEA. I kid you not. Just goes to show what my priorities were as an unemployed graduate I guess :P. All in all, I’d say that this blog is like my own personal time capsule that I can re-open whenever I feel like it and I love that.

I also love the fact that I’ve somehow managed to build up such a loyal readership, I have no idea how or why, but I’m so thankful for the familiar names and faces that I see commenting on/liking my posts. It makes me feel like my writing means something, that it has the power to enhance/impact on a complete stranger’s day, even if they may be on the other side of the planet and that’s a pretty awesome feeling :).

So here’s to hopefully many, many more blogiversaries to look forward to and celebrate :D. Thanks for stopping by!

54 thoughts on “Blog’s 2nd Birthday

  1. Happy 2ng blog birthday. Reaching two years is a fantastic achievement and I wish you just as much success in the following two years as you have had so far.

  2. Congratulations! 🙂 I’m sure that’s an awesome feeling and I share your happiness in being able to improve a complete stranger’s day.

  3. Congratulations on your 2nd blog birthday! Wishing you success for the next year, too 😀

  4. Wow..congrats on your blog-anniversary!!
    And how did yoi really manage 4000+ followers in just 2 years???!! That’s amazing uet unbelievable!

  5. Wow..congrats on your blog-anniversary!!
    And how did you really manage 4000+ followers in just 2 years???!! That’s amazing yet unbelievable!

    1. Thanks so much 😀 Honestly I have no idea how it happened! There just seems to be a slow, but constant flow of people deciding to follow my site for some reason… So I can’t really give you much advice unfortunately, because I don’t understand it myself! Just write whatever is on your mind and be honest I guess 🙂

      1. Yeah…and I forgot to tell you that I loved your soul mate post and also the part when you told your soulmate maybe crushed by two buses! You’re insanely hilarious! 😀
        Waiting to read all of your coming posts now!

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