Clap Along


Ok, so I’ve recently discovered my new favourite song by Pharrell Williams, and it’s called Happy! Slightly reminiscent of R Kelly’s Happy People, which conveys a similar message of soulful contentment, this is the song that makes waking up at 7.17am on a cold Monday morning  so  much more bearable. It’s the song that when cranked up to the maximum volume is guaranteed to make my foot tap involuntarily to the infectious beat every time it’s played. And when I need some walking music on the way to work it gives me a renewed spring in my step because it’s just so HAPPY. Plus the video is just as energetic and fun to watch!

As one of the songs included on the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack, it obviously oozes feel-good vibes for the kids but that doesn’t mean that us adults aren’t allowed to enjoy and join in when Pharrell instructs everyone to ‘clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth!’ Even my 16 month old nephew can’t help but to grin and clap his chubby hands whenever it comes on the tv and I’ve heard my mum pottering around the kitchen recently singing, ‘because I’m happyyy!’ without any clue as to what song she’s singing or even who the artist is! And that just goes to show how widespread this song could potentially be, because anyone can relate to the simple, upbeat message.

So before it gets overplayed and becomes annoying, turn up your speakers, sit back and give it a listen. I guarantee that it’ll brighten your mood and fill you with a renewed sense of optimism just in time for Christmas and the start of the New Year. And even if you don’t love it, you’ll find that the lyrics will be swimming around in your head for days afterwards and you’ll be HAPPY without reason. So enjoy 🙂

P.s I dare you to try and sit absolutely still whilst listening!


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