2022: From Mrs To Mummy

It’s that special time of year again, the time when we all take a few minutes to sit back and reflect on the past 12 months. 

Now, I really thought 2021 would go down as the most pivotal year of my life (what with getting engaged and married – during Covid – and moving halfway up the country) but as momentous as those things may be, boy did I underestimate what 2022 would have to offer! 

The bulk of the year I spent being up the duff, AKA being pregnant #blessed. I even went on my honeymoon with a little bun in the oven 🙂 and then went on to celebrate my 30th birthday and 1st year wedding anniversary – with what looked liked a mere food baby at the time – too!❤️

For the most part I spent 2022 eagerly observing my body and all the incredible changes it experienced. During this time, my faith in God was majorly strengthened; my spiritual connection to Waheguru has honestly never felt stronger than during those 9 months of growing a miracle inside my belly.  

And then just a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting my beautiful little bundle of joy of whom I am in awe of every single day. After a very long wait I was bestowed the title of Mother and life has not been the same since. 

Sleep? What’s that?! Long showers, personal space, savouring meals, spontaneous outings, ‘me’ time, uninterrupted time with my husband, are all currently things of the past 😂 but I know this is a phase that will pass eventually, so I’m trying to enjoy every moment as much as I can.

Plus those late night cuddles after feeding, those big gummy smiles during nappy changes and that newborn baby smell, ahhh they make it all worth it. 

So thank you 2022, you will officially go down in history as the year that made my dreams come true by making me a Mummy. 😃

I wish you all a happy and prosperous year ahead filled with laughter, love and good health. See you on the other side. Now let’s see what 2023 has to offer. 😊

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